Logistic Module

A logistics module to create, delete and edit deliveries, assign them to an employee and a truck, generate the desired route for each day in order to deliver all deliveries efficiently.

Django PostgreSQL React


We allow teachers to see the workshops and activities sent by students through WhatsApp in an organized and simple way. With the purpose that the process of qualifying and monitoring activities becomes an easy task in times of virtuality.

In Colombia:
96% of the country's municipalities do not have the resources or the coverage to develop virtual courses.
91% of students in rural areas do not have a computer.
78% of the families with children indicated that the main communication system with the school is WhatsApp.

React.js Node.js Mongo

Infraestructura visible

An initiative of the University of Los Andes that allows free access to information on Colombian infrastructure and its relationship with socio-economic development indicators. We develop an OLAP analysis accompanied by a data mart. The data mart includes the dimensional model, data loading into a database, and profiling and preparation of the data. The analysis was with the information of all Colombian tolls, their collections, rates, and traffic.

Pentaho Power BI Python