I'am Angela

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I'am Angela

I am an undergraduate student in Systems and Computing Engineering at Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá.
(Expected graduation Sept 2021).
I’m currently learning about Data Science and Android.

Technical Skills

Java Python SQL JavaScript
HTML/CSS Django DRF Angular
React Spring Bootstrap Pandas
TensorFlow Jenkins



Logistics Module

Infraestructura Visible

Work experience

Feb 2020-Jun 2020

Teaching Assitant

Course: Software development.
Supported students to design a RESTful website made with Angular.js and Java EE.
Monitored the continuous integration evolution of 8 projects through Jenkins and SonarQube. Graded four sprints and course activities.

Sept 2020 - Oct 2020


Django developer.

Aug 2020 - Present

Teaching Assitant

Course: Software development.
Supporting students to design a RESTful website made with Angular.js and Java EE. Testing with Jasmine, Karma y Protractor
Monitoring the continuous integration evolution of 8 projects through Jenkins and SonarQube.
